Sunday, August 17, 2008


amor = LOVE!

As I'm sitting here at home (which, by the way, sometimes still does not seem real that I own a home), I wanted to write down a few things that I am in love with... (besides the obvious friends & family)

*~* great photography. a photographer who captures the moment. I ran across this photographer this morning. If I lived near her, you can bet your bottom dollar I'd be having some pictures done by her. Breathtaking!

*~* great weather. It's august 17th and I've had my air running for maybe a total of 7 days this month, MAYBE 7 days. which means I get to enjoy all the sounds of nature, the bugs, the kids playing in the backyard, dogs barking, all of it.

*~* august is almost over, which means my favorite season is right around the corner.

*~* season opening games are only 11 and 13 days away.

*~* good music