Sunday, March 29, 2009

three things

I am taking more and more away from church each and every Sunday. Today was especially difficult with the recent passing of my Uncle J and some other personal struggles, but it felt great being there and being surrounded by people who are also dealing with their own problems.

Today, the three key points I took away were:

  1. The person or people dumping on you may not always be your enemy.
  2. The person or people who are there to protect you may not always be a friend.
  3. Watch what you say and wish for.

Like most parts of the midwest, and some CO, etc. KC was dumped with snow yesterday. It's already melting and the grass is even greener. I'm hoping by the time I get around to posting some of the pics I took yesterday it will be back in the 70's and we're seeing nothing but blue skies and sunshine!

Have a great week everyone!

Monday, March 23, 2009

It's been a helluva last 8 or 9 days. Saturday I woke up realizing I didn't have my phone, or wasn't sure where it was. Didn't think too much about it as I don't normally receive a lot of phone calls. Went to church Sunday, great service. Walked out feeling incredible and ready to take on the day. Finally found my phone and had 5 voice mails and 3 texts to call my Mama. Not good... my Uncle J was going downhill and fast. Docs had given him 24 hours Sunday morning. By Sunday night things appeared to be somewhat on the mend so I decided to go to work on Monday. He passed away Monday night, I left for Iowa Tuesday AM.

Met an incredible pastor, learned a lot of great stories about my Uncle J and my Mama and Aunt growing up, and spent a lot of time with great family. The service was great, the pastor wrote an incredible eulogy.

It sucks, and it sucks bad. But, he is out of pain and he's livin' the life with my grandparents I'm sure. Of which, I'm very jealous of!

I got to see one of my BFF while I was back. We had lunch then spent a little time together while my parents were looking for a dress shirt for my Pa. I miss her tons!

Not a lot else to say right now... still trying to figure things out. Have a great week!

Monday, March 16, 2009

RIP Uncle Jerry 3/16/09

Sunday, March 15, 2009

I think we all knew this was coming, but we tried to bury it. Tried to push it deep down, as far as we possibly could. Tried to think that it wouldn't happen for a long period of time.

God is about ready to take a good one, one of the best. Even as much as we all have tried to prepare for this - it is never easy. God, I trust you. I trust you know what you are doing. Please comfort my family during this time as you take one of your children under your wings.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

two words

What is it about these two words? I first noticed them with my boss, what seemed like 3 out of 5 words. At first, we got a bell to ding every time we caught him saying it, but it felt like he and the rest of the team were more annoyed by the bell than the two words. So, here recently I started charging him 5 cents every time he said them. One day, I got up to $1.40. He bought my soda the next day ;o)

I've noticed it being used by everybody more and more lately, and it's not like I can go around telling everybody I'm going to charge them 5 cents every time I hear it! Today in church, between the meeting before services and during services, I probably counted it at least 50 times.

So, two things I'm giving up for lent...or at least a day: facebook and using the two words, which are:


Tuesday, March 3, 2009

I was freed from my house last night!! I didn't waste a second once freedom hit. I ran to WalMart (cursing myself for even going there... again) and then had to run to Target since WM didn't have what I needed.

It feels so great to be able to come and go as I please again!

Sunday, March 1, 2009

things I take for granted

  1. a working garage door.

Today I woke up at 4:45 am. Seriously? I don't even get up that early during the week. I was awake for a good hour before I fell back asleep. Typically I like to give myself a little cushion time when getting ready... well, I didn't do that today since I fell back asleep. I was already running late to get to church. I push the garage door opener to find its not working. Seriously? I pulled the red string and tried to open it manually. Nothing. UGH! My guess is the door is frozen shut. You see, yesterday when I woke up around 7, there was a good blanket of snow on the ground. And it snowed until probably 1:00 pm. I'd say probably 3-4 inches (if not more). And when I call my parents today, it was 20+ degrees (while it was 8 here), and no snow. WTH?

2. going to church.

A few of us have been sitting down with the pastor before church to talk, to learn, whatever the case might be. So not only did I miss that, I missed Sunday services. UGH! My Sunday just isn't right without church.

And yesterday when I was out and about (in the midst of the snow storm... seeing cars in the ditch right and left), I decided to skip going to the store and do it today after church. So now, I feel incomplete because of no church but I'm also sitting at home with very few groceries.

Lessons learned: Do not procrastinate going to the store (no matter how much I may hate it).