Monday, May 25, 2009

75 random things

1.Where did you kiss the last person you kissed? my place

2 .What’s the greatest thing that happened to you today? talking to one of my bff

3. How many TRUE best friends do you have? two

4.Would you rather get up early or sleep in? I love to sleep in, but I'm not able to often and I am more productive in the morning so... get up early

5.Tell me about the shirt you’re wearing? just a black tshirt

6. What are you excited about right now? Friday & Saturday

8. Would you rather smile over a lie or cry over the truth? smile over a lie

9. What’s on your bedroom floor right now? carpet

10. Who’s the last person you got into a argument with? probably my boss

11. Do you trust people? not easily

12. If you could move away, no questions asked, where would you move? Orlando

13. Your favorite number? 37

14. Could you go a day without eating? if I had a lot of fluids

15. How much do looks matter to you in a guy/girl? there has to be some attraction, but looks change and I want a guy for what is inside him

16. Do you like anybody right now? yes

17. When was the last time you had your hair cut? earlier this month

18. Would you rather be mad or sad? sad

19. Does it take a lot to make you cry? lol, no. I'm so emotional

20. Whats the best feeling in the world? being loved

21.Are you close with your mom? yes

22. Are your parents strict? I don't think they were when growing up, but they didn't really have a reason to be

23. Do you tell your parents everything? no

25. Name some fears you have: snakes, not finding "the one"

26. Does the thought of marriage scare you? no, I look forward to it

27. How many kids do you want? as of today... none

28. What’s your favorite season? fall

29. What’s your favorite color to wear? black or yellow

30. Who was the last person in your bedroom? me!

31. What are you doing today? the day is almost over!

35. Do you get bored easily? no

36. What’s something that someone can do that really bothers you? drive bad

37. Did you ever want to change your name when you were younger? not the name, just the spelling

38. Do you wish you were famous? only for the $, other than that, no. I enjoy my privacy.

39. Do you make a wish at 11:11? I'm sure I have at some point

40. When you go to the beach do you swim or lay out more? I've only been the beach once and we just walked

41. Who’s the last text message you received from and what did it say? Patti .. "really? didn't know that?"

42. What are you freakishly obsessed with? hmmm... flip flops

43. What’s your favorite song at the moment? there's a few

44. Do you like going to the mall to shop or just shopping online? online

45.Can music affect your mood? heck yes!

46. What piercings do you want? one more in the ears

48.Have you ever been in a cave? I don't think so

49.Ever eaten a bug? not on purpose... it happens on a motorcycle ride though!

50. When will you hang out with the person you last kissed next? never!

51. Are you in a good mood? yes

53. Would you rather skydive or bungee jump? skydive

54. Do you like snakes? *shivers* NO!

55. What’s one place you would like to visit? NYC

56. Do you like waffles? They're okay

57. Does the number 23 have any significance to you? not so much

58. Be honest, do you like people in general? Yes

59. What color are the walls in your bedroom? 3 are light brown / deep tan and one is chocolate brown

60.Do you think starbucks is expensive? for me.. but I don't drink coffee

61. Are you named after a family member? nope

62. Say you were given a drug test right now, would you pass or fail? pass in a heartbeat

63. Wanting to tell someone something? yes

64. Last restaurant you went to? Barley's on Friday

65. What is the weather like today? a perfect spring day minus a little sun

66. What happened yesterday? I went to church, ran a few errands, did 4 loads of laundry

67. What would you do with five million dollars? pay bills, buy my parents their dream place and then build a house for myself

68. How many hours did you sleep last night? which time? maybe 5

69. Any upcoming concerts you want to attend? Want and am... Rockfest 2009 babay!

70. Who’s the last person that you felt was stalking you? nobody

71. Have you ever been on your school’s track team? nope

72. Have you cried today? nope

73. Do you think that someone is thinking about you right now? yes

74. Does it annoy you when someone says they’ll call, but never do? nah... because we've probably texted each other

75. What did you dress up as for Halloween? I didn't

-Nope, wasn't tagged.... just some random stuff about me while I watch The Bachlorette... there are some funny guys on here!

Saturday, May 23, 2009

I heart 3 day weekends!

Today has been pretty low key. I did finish painting my 2nd bathroom, which now has me wanting to get my master bath painted. I can't decide what color I want to paint, so for now it remains off-white. I've done a little reading, watched a movie on Lifetime and took a nap (or two)!

Tomorrow I have a few errands to run after church and then I need to get working on my list of things to clean... ick!

I have yet to download any recent pics, so this will be another picture-less post... and a short post at that!

Hope everyone has a great Memorial Day weekend, please take a minute to remember why we celebrate the day!

Sunday, May 17, 2009

you are my Strong Tower

For years I have always wanted to give back. Give back to the community, give back to people in need, give back to children. He continues to show me signs that someday my dream will come true. I know I have mentioned in the past, the company I work for gives every employee 4 hours a month to do community service work. Sign #1.

Today during church, Pastor was talking about a guy going to Africa. Quitting his job, having very little to no money and going to Africa to work with AIDS relief (if I understood him correctly). He also mentioned another guy who emailed him and wanted the name of a contact the church has previously worked with to head up a volunteer project. Sign #2.

My heart was full. Tears overflowed. My desire to give back grows stronger every day.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Spring Iowa trip 2009

It's been an interesting 30 days....I've went from back to liking my job to hating it, and hating it so bad that I asked a realtor to look into selling my condo. After about an hour on the phone with M this past week, I think I'll be back to liking my job come tomorrow, at least I hope anyway.

Church is still great. I went to Women's Bible Study a few weeks back. Loved it. I was overwhelmed with emotions and can't wait to go back this week. Last week a few of us started in a class called Christianity 101. Enjoying it as well.

This past week I went to Iowa. I had planned this trip around seeing my cousin and her new baby. Of course, I crammed a million other things and people in (or at least that is what it felt like). I went to the Hiawatha office to meet some of the people I work with and to say hi to others. I ran into a high school classmate's brother (she was actually my best friend during HS) and found out she is pregnant! I can't believe it, I'm so happy for her! He also said their sister just recently had a baby and showed us pictures, she's a doll baby! It was a short trip (or it felt like anyway) but I'm glad to be back home and get back into my routine.

Now, onto picture overload... and yes, 100% out of order.

New do

Smiley R... I'd talk to him and he would smile and smile but as soon as I pulled the camera out, this is what I got.... hehe, silly boy!
I avoided that picture pretty good

smilin' at his Mama

this is his big brother, O. He did not want to smile for the camera..
this is the best C got. He's such a turkey

Where's O?
H playing in the fountain at Fiesta Del Sol
H and T making vampire faces... I think they were vampires, don't quite remember!
T's husband B and Em!
H playing with her Mama's lip gloss. She became very shiney after all was said and done!
Z after jumping the ramp
the ramp
--As I was driving home yesterday, I got a text from Z's mama that he had broken his arm! Dang skate boards! He's in a sling now until Monday and then will get it set and get the cast. I wish I could sign it for him! I told him he'd done something his Aunt had never done - break a bone!
Z's mama, one of my bff, P.
and the reason I went to Iowa! This is my cousin and her 2 boys, C & C.

Big brother & little brother

Very proud!

looks so much like his daddy!

one of the onesies I "made" for him
the last one! Not the best, but hey, it was my first time!

My company gives us a smaller budget every spring & fall to have a "kids" party. We went to Paradise Park and had fun! Great place to take your kids if you're in the KC area.

our bracelets for the day

the nerf ball area & machines were TOO loud!
The video below is my nephew (who broke his arm) jumping the ramp.

And last but most certainly not least, Happy Mothers Day to all the mothers out there. Though I may never be one and be able to truly understand what it takes to be someone's Mama, there will never be enough words or ways to say thank you to all the Mothers, especially my Mama. Thank you for everything you give, you do, thank you for loving me even at my weakest moments, thank you for being my best friend, the shoulder to cry on... Thank you, Thank you, Thank you! You don't know how much it hurt to not be there with you today, but I love you even more for understanding why I wasn't. I love you Mama and can not wait to see you and my Daddy next month.