Saturday, October 4, 2008

Iowa trip and more

Though I'm an Iowa Hawkeye football fan through and through, the boys are really disappointing us. Their loss today puts them at 3-3. One of the commentators made a very true statement about being a young team who can't finish strong. Anywho... on to other things.

Before I go on - here are a CRAP LOAD of picutres - you've been warned!

It seems like just yesterday I left for Iowa, but it was actually over 2 weeks ago. I got to my parents house around 7:30 p.m. on the 18th. I unpacked a few things, ate dinner then laid in my parents bed with my Mama. We talked until almost 10. I love doing that, and I'm pretty sure she enjoys it too :)

Friday I got up in enough time to get ready to leave for "town" with my Pa to have lunch with Mom. We ran to the store to pick things up for the party on Saturday. That night M called, very, very drunk... what a freakin riot. Although I'd only been gone a day and a half, he was already "missing me". Here are some pics I took while I was talking to him...

Sunset over the corn field behind my parents house.

My old piano that I once used to play. It was falling apart and hadn't been tuned in over 15 years.... poor thing. Dad couldn't give it away.

Saturday morning my parents and I went to my nephews flag football game. It'd been 9 months since I'd seen my neice and nephew, damn they had grown like weeds!

B all the way at the end ... in the jeans.

Run, buddy!

After we got back from the game my parents got things ready for the party while I watched the Hawkeye game. family started showing up around 4:30 and the last ones left around midnight. It was my Grandma's 75th birthday and my grandparents anniversary... plus it'd been about 4 years since we'd all been together. We laughed a lot, drank a lot and had a load of fun. Here are some pics...

One of my many drinks for the night... malibu rum & pineapple.

cousin B with his back to the camera and Uncle T... who is normally so camera shy it's not funny.

cousin E and her mama, Aunt D.

All but 1 of us Ackles grandkids.

Great-grandkids, grandkids and their spouses.

The whole reason for our party, my grandparents.

My mama made me my favorite breakfast... homemade cinnamon rolls! MMMM....

Sunday morning we went to see my brothers new house (if everything goes through okay) and then we went to see my Aunt J, Uncle J and cousin B. It was great to see them. On the way to see the house, we saw a sundog...

Monday we ran some errands "in town" then had dinner with my other Aunt J, Uncle R, cousin C, BFF Amanda, Shaun and Sam. MMMM, Pizza Ranch! Tuesday we ran to Coralville to do a little shopping.

I took some pics of the sweet potatoes my parents picked from their garden...check these puppies out...

A few random pics from time at my parents before I left for Cedar...

Sleep.... per chance to dream. Painted in my parents bedroom.

My parents bed.

my Dad's guncase that is full of guns, watch out boys :o)

Pic of a pic, so not the best... but this is the school house my Pa went to growing up. It has since been torn down.

Wednesday morning I left for Cedar to see my friends. Had lunch with Kesa and Tara at Vito's then headed to Chantelle and Randy's place. Watched them play volleyball Wednesday night, saw a couple of hotties and a couple of familiar faces. Stayed at their place Wednesday night.

Thursday I had lunch with Em and got to catch up with her! I spent the afternoon with my other BFF, Patti. She had just got back from Cancun so I got to see a lot of pictures and hear lots of stories :) That night I had dinner at El Rancho with some co-workers and friends. I had such a good time and got some good pictures!

Griffin, son of Jake. Is he not freakin adorable?

Em and her man, Chad.

Owen! Now, let me tell you a story about this 'lil guy. He is obsessed with cell phones. He has about 5 old ones that he carries around. At one point he had two in his onesie, one in each carpenter pocket, one in each pocket and one in his hands. He sleeps with two at nap time and bed time... he's pretty damn good at saying "peace" when you're leaving too!

Margaret and Randy.

Tammy helping Kara with some of her 42 oz. margarita.

After dinner I went over to Tammy's house to see all the upgrates - man the place looked great! We talked a little bit about the girls weekend then I went to Michelle's, where I stayed for the night. Her crazy cat, Molly, kept me awake most of the night.

The pic is SO close up because she was RIGHT beside my face. Apparently Molly lays right by your shoulder with her face to yours to feel you breath.

When I pulled the cover up over my head, she moved down to my feet. She'd lay between my legs and bat at my feet or legs.

Friday morning I was "homesick" already so I went back to my parents. Took a much needed nap then mowed the backyard.

Saturday mom and I went to Cedar... we drove around to look at the flood damage then spent the afternoon with Patti. We ate at Chili's then dropped Patti off since she had to work. We were sure to get a pic first though :)

I heart you mamasita!!
I left Sunday and arrived back in KC around 5:30 pm.
Returning to work on Monday was hell... M barely spoke to me all day, but I also had so much work to catch up on... it sucked @ss. Tuesday morning I flew out of KC and arrived in Denver around 11:30 MST. I was training 3 new OMs...typically it wouldn't have been such a challenge but I had 3 different OMs at 3 different skill sets and we only had about 9 hours total to train. We made it through everything though and I think each one feel a little better about their job. While in Denver, my phone died. Seriously - it was gone. It wouldn't turn on, the battery wasn't not-charged, my phone was just plain trashed. Crappy timing, huh?
Okay... I am honestly beat after this post! Going to get a little rest before I crash for the day and bust my @ss around the house tomorrow! Have a great week ya'll.