Monday, September 1, 2008

so long my friend

I'll warn you now... if you have a weak stomach, you might want to skip this post. I'll post the pictures down a ways, just in case.

Today I went out on the boat with M & T and a few of their friends. We were getting ready to eat when T's Dad mentioned he thought I had spilled some of my drink (it was red). I looked over and found it to be blood. Nobody could figure out whose it was at first. T then said "Umm, I think it's your toe!" I looked down and sure enough, I had ripped my toe nail off. For the life of me I couldn't figure out what the hell I had done. It didn't hurt that bad right away... I finally remembered I snagged it on their seats on their boat trying to put my legs up on the bench seat. A little bit later, I was checking my toe out and there on the floor of the boat was my poor toe nail. Freshly manicured and all. It freakin' hurts now... I poured what little peroxide I had on it, put some neosporin on it and had a band-aid on it for awhile. Tomorrow I'm going to go get some gauze and more "medicine" and bandage the poor thing up. What hurts the worst is coming down the staircase.

With the band-aid :(


What my foot should look like!

Band-aids will be my friends for awhile!
These will also be my friends for awhile!
Good thing I had my things ready for work tomorrow already.
messing around with my camera... my fan is on - funny how it looks like it is off in both pics.
And then... I got a tad too much sun today... my burnt forehead.
It's going to be a busy week ... visitors coming into town Wednesday - Friday, a team blitz day on Wednesday starting with breakfast downtown at the Marriott, M is out's going to be the weekend again before I know it!