Tuesday, September 9, 2008

almost in the single digits!

That's right!! In less than 4 hours, it will officially be 9 days! I still can't get over how excited I am to be headed back to Iowa. The drive - not so much, but spending time with family and friends - hell yes! Also, having 6 1/2 days off from work... now that's what I'm talkin' about!

Tomorrow part of our team will be working a telethon for kcptv... freakin 8-11 p.m. Yup, going to be dragging ass on Thursday. Therefore, I will be going to bed early tonight in hopes to getting a little bit more sleep and possibly taking a nap tomorrow after work.

Took the car in this afternoon for an oil change - manager said to me, well I guess we'll be seeing you in about another 8-9 mos to do you 30K "check-up"... get this, at the tune of FOUR HUNDRED DOLLARS. Are you effin kidding me?!?! Umm- no thanks. Isn't enough that I have to pay personal property taxes on this car, and they rape me on my insurance rates every 6 months. I'm pretty sure he saw my jaw drop. Now... keep in mind I've had the car since mid November and I'm already at 14K miles. Holy crap! Seriously, 10 months and 14,000 miles. JEEZ! And that's even not making a trip to Iowa in 9 months! *sigh* Maybe I should have bought an old car that my Dad or a handy guy could have worked on.

Hopefully I'll remember my camera Saturday for the Iowa vs. Iowa State game - it's going to be a good one! Later ya'll.