Saturday, March 1, 2008


Today was such a gorgeous day - minus the wind. It seemed like everywhere I went there were little tornados. Leaves, sand from the roads, debris.... crazy! Sadly, I spent over two hours at the office today trying to get some stuff done so between that and running errands I didn't get to enjoy much of the weather.

I finally bought paint and accessories for my 1/2 bath - that of course will be my project for tomorrow. As much as I hated painting after buying the house, I'm actually excited about painting tomorrow - not sure how long that will last though since it's such a restricted & small area.

Got my hair cut today, but I decided to not have her style it and save $20+. So, no pics until I get to make it look "pretty".

I do however have a few pics to post though...

Temp at about noon today....

Temp at about 5:30pm

When I got home I was checking out the news back "home" and saw a clip about one of the city's snow blowers that they had to break out this year for the first time in years. It blows snow up to 100 feet and they were able to create drifts about 8-9 feet high... HAHAHAHA... damn I love KC :)


The Naths said...

Oh, you just hush about your tropical weather!!!