So it's been a busy week... A group of us from work were at the bar Monday, Wednesday and Friday nights. Which made Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday difficult days. I can deal with hangovers when I don't have a lot going on the next day, but trying to work an 8 hour day pretty much blows! I work with a great group of people... well, for the most part. It blows my mind that some of the reps get away with the things they do, or think they will get away with. I guess I have too much of a guilty conscious, or too much of a strong work ethic that I wouldn't even begin to try and pull the BS that some of them do.

Oh... and I must not forget one of my all time favorite Easter pictures... I took this of my niece around Easter of 2003.
March madness is in full swing... one of the guys and I went to lunch on Thursday to a bar and grill. Kansas State was playing, it was so loud at Gert's we could barely carry on a conversation with each other. It was nice to feel the pride for K-State, we just picked a bad place to try and eat lunch that day. K-state lost today ... the Jayhawks are playing right now - hopefully they can pull it off.
The weather here has been up and down... it was chilly last weekend, then through the week it was into the 60's and 70's... now this weekend it's back down into the 50's, supposed to flurry tonight and be crappy tomorrow for Easter. Thank goodness it's officially spring... I'm so ready for the green grass, seeing the flowers and leaves come to life and to see people outdoors enjoying the weather. I've heard it almost every day for a few weeks - no, I'm not going or am not in Iowa for Easter. With not having Good Friday off, a 5 hour drive in less than 48-72 hours by myself is too much for me.
While watching bball today, I've been going through some online albums. Why do people feel like they have to put their hands up under their chin to try and hide their double-chin? As if your hand up there, which is totally out of place, isn't obvious enough that you're trying to hide your chin? I know we all hate it, but just let it be.
Besides working for a few hours today, returning some stuff to a few stores - I haven't gotten anything else accomplished (I tell ya, hangovers kick my @ss)... and with my housewarming party coming up, I need to get on the ball and get a TON of stuff done. I plan on busting my butt tomorrow to get a good chunk of things done. With that, I hope everyone has a Happy and blessed Easter!

Oh... and I must not forget one of my all time favorite Easter pictures... I took this of my niece around Easter of 2003.
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