Tuesday, March 4, 2008

new look

YAY for the cute new look! I love it Brandy ! Thanks so much for all your work on it!

I'm slacking on the pictures of my hair cut... it's not the cut I wanted, sadly I'm not that motivated to take any pictures.

The 1/2 bathroom is almost done...Hopefully I can finish it up tomorrow night and then get it decorated before the weekend and get some pics up.

I've been reading Eat Pray Love ...what a good book! I'm not even 1/2 way through, if I didn't have so much going on around the house right now I probably would read it from the moment I walked in the door until I went to bed.

The rest of the week is going to fly... for being the start of a new month, I feel like it's been non-stop. Between trying to finish up month end ordes, I've had 5 new orders come in for the month already. Thursday night the boss' boss and the RVP come to town for dinner, I'm excited to eat at Pierponts for the first time, but nervous as this is my first time meeting these folks and to meet them over dinner - EEK. I pray that everything goes okay.

Have a great week!


B said...

I'm so glad you love it. And thanks about my girl...we're partial to her! :-)