I know I am WAY late in posting this, but better late than never, right?
This adorable 'lil guy, Owen, turned 1 on March 2nd ... his parents, Randy & Chantelle's wedding in.... Puerto Vallarta, Mexico was March 3rd. Sorry for copying the pics Chantelle, but they were just too good to pass up!
Happy WAY belated birthday Owen and Congratulations Sieren's!
Sunday, March 30, 2008
long time overdue
Posted by Kelli at 9:10 PM 1 comments
Saturday, March 29, 2008
all alone and lost in this world
I got up tonight to get some Advil (yes this dang headache is being stubborn and sticking around)... out of the corner of my eye I saw movement in the backyard so I was going to wait to turn the light on (thinking somebody was out walking their dogs)... only to see 5 fawns running around. They played around in my sight for about 5 minutes before they took off. If it wasn't 40 degrees outside I would have stepped out to try for better pictures, but it's a bit chilly out there.
They aren't the best quality pics because the lil ones kept bouncin around (you can click on the pictures to make them bigger)...
Posted by Kelli at 7:56 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Kind of a blunt title, and I apologize to use that, but that's the only thing that keeps running through my head when I think about this...
While talking to my Momma the other night, she told about this, it gave me goosebumps then and the more I read and hear about it, it makes me sick to my stomach.
Read it here . So many questions and unfortunately they will all go unanswered. One of the many questions that keeps going through my mind is why kill your wife and kids? Was he trying to save them the embarassment? Was he afraid they wouldn't have a place to live and be able to survive without him? Again, so many questions. My thoughts and prayers are with their family members. As I sit here listening to Casting Crowns 'Voice of Truth', I'm bawling. What a tragic story.
On a happier note, I unlocked my office door this morning to find a bouqet of flowers laying on my desk with a Thank you card. Since there are only two of us that have keys to my office, I knew they were from my boss right away. Spring colored daisies look beautiful in my office, everybody commented on them today. What a sweet boss I have! Couldn't have asked for a better way to start my day!
Posted by Kelli at 8:42 PM 1 comments
Monday, March 24, 2008
a typical Monday
Happy freakin Monday! Either my 10+ year old alarm clock decided to stop working today, or I turned it off and went back to bed. I'm hoping that it was that I turned it off and not that it quit working... that alarm clock has been pretty damn faithful for 10+ years. I had planned on being at work around 7:00 a.m., but instead didn't roll out of bed until 6:30 a.m. I still left around 7:10 a.m., which getting ready and eating breakfast in 40 minutes is pretty much record time for me. BUT... anytime I leave my house after 7:00 a.m., I know I have to add on about 30 minutes to the normal drive time before I'll make it to the office. This morning, it took me an hour and 15 minutes to get to the office (typical day is about 20-25 minutes). I was pretty bored in that 75 minutes, the quality isn't the best considering it's from my phone, but here's some pictures I snapped...
As you can see, it didn't matter that there were 3 or 4 lanes, it was bumper to bumper. Oh and that damn Lexus in front me of me in the first picture, I swear I'm going to bill him for my whiplash. We'd get up to about 5mph and then all of a sudden lay rubber from breaking so hard. I wanted to roll down my window and tell him to take it easy.
But I got to enjoy the beautiful sunrise!
Lastly... anybody want to try to explain why I was crazy enough to wear flipflops when the temp was 28 EFFIN degrees out this morning?? That's right, it got up to 56 today....perfectly good reason to wear them.
Posted by Kelli at 6:53 PM 0 comments
Saturday, March 22, 2008
Ramblings from my mouth

Oh... and I must not forget one of my all time favorite Easter pictures... I took this of my niece around Easter of 2003.
Posted by Kelli at 6:23 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
St Patricks Day + Kelli = drunk!
I had good intentions of coming straight home last night after work ... I really did. That lasted until about 5:30 when my phone started goin off with text and calls asking me why I wasn't at the bar. It was a great time, we didn't leave until about 9:45... between the 5 of us, our tab was $240.00. I'd say that was a successful night in the alcohol consumption! I would upload the pics and video, but I really don't want to ask the others if they're okay with it - and not sure with the nature of the pics that I should upload without asking them first :o) HAHA
It was a rough start to the morning, but all-in-all it was a good day!
Posted by Kelli at 6:38 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Posted by Kelli at 8:02 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
still kickin!
5 days... seriously?!?! I don't remember being sick this long before. I went to the Dr yesterday. They tested me for Influenza ... and let me tell you, for any of you who have not been tested for Influenza - what an experience! Having a swab stuck up both nostrils and twirled around is quite the feeling. Thank God it came back negative. They drew blood, pending results she said it was either bacterial or viral. They wouldn't give me any meds until the test results come back... and because of my insurance apparently it takes 2-3 days?! Tylenol has been my friend since Friday... I truly feel like I'm on the mend, for the most part. The only thing that I'm not up to par on is eating... the sight of food makes me nauseous but I feel like I'm starving. I tried soup today, tasted good but it didn't last long. The only thing that appears to be settling is Saltine crackers or applesauce. Its been a long 5 days laying in bed having the chills, then sweating the fever out... depending on how tonight goes and what I feel like in the morning, I should be back to work tomorrow... for 2 days then I'm off on Friday! Woo hoo! I thought about not taking vacation, and still contemplating taking only 1/2 day... but I also need that day to catch up on everything around the house that hasn't miraculously taken care of itself over the past week. Blah... enough sick talk!
To try and catch up... with the boss gone two days last week, the office was full of energy. They all get a little hyper when M is gone. Thursday night was dinner at Pierponts with the RVP and President of our region. The meal was incredible, we had a good conversation and ended the night with a round of shots. They were in town Friday long enough to attend our Friday meeting, to see it snow (as if they haven't seen enough in Iowa this winter) and then they left.
And now...what is a post without pictures?!
Some before and after of both... the new hair cut and my 1/2 bath makeover!
My haircut is not at all what I wanted... but it's something different, it'll grow back and I will find somebody to give me the cut I wanted someday!
A few before pics:
Posted by Kelli at 6:44 PM 0 comments
Sunday, March 9, 2008
a few years
Other than my bad tooth, it has been a few years since I've been since I've been sick... no joke. I feel like death is knocking on my door. I'm no doctor but I think it's bronchitis, stomach flu and a bruised rib or pulled muscles (from coughing). I do have pictures to post, but don't have the energy to download them and all that jazz.
Posted by Kelli at 10:17 AM 1 comments
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
cleaning things up
I was going through my phone last night deleting pics... realizing some must have been taken during Happy Hour? Not quite sure but they gave me a good chuckle last night. Came across this one, I wish I would have had my camera this night.
Posted by Kelli at 7:38 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
new look
YAY for the cute new look! I love it Brandy ! Thanks so much for all your work on it!
I'm slacking on the pictures of my hair cut... it's not the cut I wanted, sadly I'm not that motivated to take any pictures.
The 1/2 bathroom is almost done...Hopefully I can finish it up tomorrow night and then get it decorated before the weekend and get some pics up.
I've been reading Eat Pray Love ...what a good book! I'm not even 1/2 way through, if I didn't have so much going on around the house right now I probably would read it from the moment I walked in the door until I went to bed.
The rest of the week is going to fly... for being the start of a new month, I feel like it's been non-stop. Between trying to finish up month end ordes, I've had 5 new orders come in for the month already. Thursday night the boss' boss and the RVP come to town for dinner, I'm excited to eat at Pierponts for the first time, but nervous as this is my first time meeting these folks and to meet them over dinner - EEK. I pray that everything goes okay.
Have a great week!
Posted by Kelli at 8:21 PM 1 comments
Saturday, March 1, 2008
Today was such a gorgeous day - minus the wind. It seemed like everywhere I went there were little tornados. Leaves, sand from the roads, debris.... crazy! Sadly, I spent over two hours at the office today trying to get some stuff done so between that and running errands I didn't get to enjoy much of the weather.
I finally bought paint and accessories for my 1/2 bath - that of course will be my project for tomorrow. As much as I hated painting after buying the house, I'm actually excited about painting tomorrow - not sure how long that will last though since it's such a restricted & small area.
Got my hair cut today, but I decided to not have her style it and save $20+. So, no pics until I get to make it look "pretty".
I do however have a few pics to post though...
Temp at about 5:30pm
When I got home I was checking out the news back "home" and saw a clip about one of the city's snow blowers that they had to break out this year for the first time in years. It blows snow up to 100 feet and they were able to create drifts about 8-9 feet high... HAHAHAHA... damn I love KC :)
Posted by Kelli at 8:23 PM 1 comments