Wednesday, July 8, 2009


How do I go years thinking these people are my friends. People who I thought cared about me. People who want the best for me. People who I could share my happiness with and see the joy in their face for me or to the other extreme people I could share my problems with and know its hurting them too.

I am disappointed in myself for... I guess in my mind for trying to make myself think they were friends. Tonight I realized that a handful of people in my life are not truly friends. They are people who use me and will in my mind always use me.

I am glad that I finally saw this and can adjust some things in my life. Their loss, not mine!


On a good note, I asked Him to help me through a situation last night and not within 20 minutes was the situation resolved and I felt 100% better. God is good!


The Naths said...

First, thanks for your thoughts regarding my Grandpa. =) I have been meaning to tell you that for a while now.
So sorry these people have hurt you that way! They should be ashamed of themselves! I mean, we're not in Jr high anymore! That said, process the hurt, forgive and move on to bigger and better things 'cause you deserve it. (Forgiveness doesn't mean you say what they did is alright or that you have to trust them again......It just says that you aren't going to let them live rent free in your mind're not going to waste your time and energy having negative feelings towards them because it acts as poison in YOU...and it's all about you girl! =) It is a hard place to get to sometimes, but is so worth it. Ask Him to help you. He's the author of forgiveness and forgiveness equals freedom.) Ok, that's the end of my sermon this Thursday morning. I wouldn't say it if I hadn't lived this truth myself. =) I am so excited you got to "see" God's work in your life last night. I love it when I can see Him working