Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Yes I did

Yes, I did vote.

As much as it pisses a crap load of other people off... I have to get this off my chest. For those of you that know me - I don't follow politics, I'm just not into it. Now, ask me what happened on Grey's last week and I'll give you a run-down... hahaha. Back to the voting.... what really, really pisses me off - people who will spout off at the mouth and blabber until their blue in the face with their opinion on who we should all vote for, and then they don't vote. So you were out of town, you knew you were going to be out of town - plan freaking ahead and absentee.

Then, we have people who moved, YEARS ago... literally, YEARS ago... you freakin knew what / when election day is - and you don't update your information to vote? And then you say "I'm only one person, my vote won't matter!" OMG!!! Seriously? If everybody thought that, then we'd have no votes. Yet again, another person who has no problem voicing their opinions. And T, if you're reading this, I swear on my Grandmother's life this is not in reference to you.

Right, I'm not into politics, but I'm VERY VERY passionate about voting - if you can't tell :)

As we all have people to pray for, please pray for a co-worker. She and her family are very religous, very smart people. Well, they found out today that their daughter has gotten 4 tattoos since leaving for college in June. Please pray that they don't kill their daughter when she gets back at Thanksgiving. I have nothing against tats...promise - but, well this family does. Aye...

I'm off to watch the results... I hope my man wins :)