Sit back and relax, I feel like this could be a long one! Haha
This past week was pretty quiet, Monday morning was the most people we had in the office the entire week. After Monday, we were lucky to have 3 reps in the office... very very nice for me! Two of the reps left Monday afternoon for Iowa for training...that immediately changed the office! With Tuesday being election day, those that were there were late, some left early to vote, it was just an off day. We had one out sick 1/2 the week, one that was in Springfield for appointments one day... seriously, a different week.
My parents bought me curtains for the patio / dining room for Christmas when they were down last month... the store didn't have them in stock though. They called Thursday and said they were in... WOOT! I went and picked them up Friday after work while I was waiting on dinner. I also went to JoAnn Fabrics and picked up a small tree, some ornaments, a little skirt. I got these for the office since we are hosting "Little Angels" through the Salvation Army. I also picked up a couple of really cute things for christmas... all for a whopping $24! I didn't get a pic of my collection.
The only bad thing about this week... with M and I car pooling, I got "stranded" at the office one day. It was my week to drive, but M needed to drive one day b/c he didn't want to be seen in one of the reps vehicles for their appt (haha!). Well, neither of us thought about it before they left... they were gone from 9AM - 530pm. The company car was in Iowa with the 2 reps in training and with the short staff, I had no way of getting lunch. I ended up having to have Quizno's delivered, so I guess it turned out okay.
This weekend was busier than normal for me. I have a feeling though that things are going to pick up with volunteering. The morning started off with sitting at the dealership getting my tires rotated. Of course, they tried to do all these "maintenance" things to the car -... ummm, not for $150.00. no thanks!
Saturday afternoon I headed over to Wayside Waifs to go through volunteer orientation. The room was freakin packed full of people, which is awesome! Read more about Wayside Waifs here . I am so excited! I socialized with a few kittens before I left. Of course, I had one that just attached to me, a white long haired one. SO cute! I signed up for two classes while I was there. I'm more excited to get out and walk the dogs, play with the puppies and kittens!
Today, I worked on a gift to my grandparents. I took this picture during our family get together in September. I knew after taking it I wanted to make a frame for them vs. just buying one... for my 2nd picture frame, I think it turned out pretty good. Frame before any changes made.
Colors I would use... I didn't end up using brown.

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