- August 2009 - I experienced and volutneered with one of the most amazing foundations in my life. Something that has forever changed me. Susan G Komen Race for the Cure in KC was a huge success. There were over 25K people at Union Station that day. I got a bad taste in my mouth from the committee chair, but remembered why we were all there and decided to volunteer again.

- September 2009 - I don't remember much from this month other than going back to Iowa over Labor Day. It was a good trip and Jax did really well in the ride back.
- October 2009 - I met who I thought was the man of my dreams, the love of my life. We spent as much time as we could together given our distance over the next few months. Halloween was uneventful, stayed home and kept Jax inside :)

- November 2009 - Thanksgiving! I was able to make it back to Iowa to spend time with family. We changed our tradition and had Thanksgiving at my brothers. I think we almost had more dogs than people. My SIL's Dad brought their 4 month old yellow lab, my brother had his almost 10 year old yellow lab plus their 3 new puppies and then Jax. The pups all had fun playing! I was able to spend a night in Cedar Rapids and see some friends...
Rylee cheesin ... Owen givin kisses to his Mama.
- Dec 2009 - Christmas! It came and went as quickly as it always does. Once again I was able to spend time with family but also able to spend a bit more time with friends in Cedar Rapids. I came back to KC to so much snow I couldn't even get in my driveway or into my garage. New Years Eve was spent back in KC, Jax and I rang it in together.
- January 2010 - Another month gone.
- February 2010 - My work team won a contest that landed us with $2500. We rented a party bus to drive us around the city and had separate hotel rooms waiting for us at the end of the night. It was so much fun!
I know I've left a lot out and there are a lot of pictures missing, but I have to start somewhere!
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