I got told the other day that I was slacking on blogging... busted! So, heres for you CM!
I guess not a lot has been going on for me to post...
It's July... seriously, can you believe Christmas is 5.5 mos away? Can you believe the kids start back to school next month?
Work was going pretty good (considering all that we have been through as an office) until the last week or so. Sadly, the one person who I thought was a good friend has proven otherwise and with just a few of us in the office its proving to be a challenge. I have a lot to focus on or do with all the stuff going on so I just need to focus on that and life will be good.
My parents will be here later today, for the weekend. Haven't made any plans or really thought about what we're going to do yet, probably should start working on that. I assume our weekend will consist of a trip to the Legends for my Dad and some shopping for Mom.
Told you I didn't have much to blog about. Just a few pics

What my job consisted of one day this past week. Making address labels, printing 173 letters, stuffing envelopes, sealing envelopes and then b/c our company decided to get rid of my Pitney Bowes machine, putting 173 stamps on these envelopes. Good times.

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