Friday, June 12, 2009

so glad this week is over!

To say its been a week from he double hockey sticks is an understatement. The good news story is that the boss and I have been getting along for 2 weeks straight... maybe 3. Either way, it's been a good run and I think we're only on the uphill.

The bad news is I've cleaned out 4 desks this week... this WEEK! 4 desks... 4 reps ... gone. Yesterday I had 5 trash cans full from 1 desk... today I filled at least 4... our cleaning people have to hate us. The bad part about that is I'm not even half way there. Insane.

Good news story... fresh people, fresh faces, people to train the way we want / need them to be...I guarantee its going to be a rough, interesting, challenging next month or so, but we will pull through.