- a working garage door.
Today I woke up at 4:45 am. Seriously? I don't even get up that early during the week. I was awake for a good hour before I fell back asleep. Typically I like to give myself a little cushion time when getting ready... well, I didn't do that today since I fell back asleep. I was already running late to get to church. I push the garage door opener to find its not working. Seriously? I pulled the red string and tried to open it manually. Nothing. UGH! My guess is the door is frozen shut. You see, yesterday when I woke up around 7, there was a good blanket of snow on the ground. And it snowed until probably 1:00 pm. I'd say probably 3-4 inches (if not more). And when I call my parents today, it was 20+ degrees (while it was 8 here), and no snow. WTH?
2. going to church.
A few of us have been sitting down with the pastor before church to talk, to learn, whatever the case might be. So not only did I miss that, I missed Sunday services. UGH! My Sunday just isn't right without church.
And yesterday when I was out and about (in the midst of the snow storm... seeing cars in the ditch right and left), I decided to skip going to the store and do it today after church. So now, I feel incomplete because of no church but I'm also sitting at home with very few groceries.
Lessons learned: Do not procrastinate going to the store (no matter how much I may hate it).
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