In 3.5 days (okay, almost 4 by the time I get there) I will be in Iowa. For the first time in 9 very long months ( I could have had a baby in that time, geesh). I first have to find a recipe to make for the party next Saturday. And that is one of many things I have to do to get ready to be away from my home for 11 days.
I return to KC on September 28th, to leave for Denver on September 30th. I return to KC late October 1st (I am going to be lucky to not come down with something as I'm sure exhaustion will set in). M is out Oct 1st and 2nd, so the day I come back is going to be freaking crazy. And with both of us gone on the 1st - I'm sure not a whole lot will get done.
The following week, I am off from work the 10th (afternoon) and 13th, then off again the 17th and 20th. It's going to be freaking November before I know it (and it's not even October yet!). Not that I'm wishing for that but time is going to fly!
A few posts back, I showed the pictures of my toe. Good news, it appears I didn't completely lose the nail, just the top layer of it. Hopefully it will "fit in" again when I get them re-painted.
Planning a girls weekend for October, I can't wait! Some of the things are falling through that I'd hoped to do because of $, but that is okay. As long as we can all get away for a weekend, it will be fun!
I didn't make it to the OP yesterday to watch the Hawkeyes KICK SOME ASS! I had so much to get done this weekend and to top if off, I felt like crap. Achy, sick to my stomach, just pure "uck" all over. Very happy the Hawkeyes won, but damn the Buckeyes got their asses kicked yesterday.
This past Wednesday we worked at KCPT answering calls for a telethon. We were all disappointed to find out we weren't going to be on tv. What was airing was a show taped previously. We had fun but those of us who worked were tired. One guy called in, said I had a sexy voice and wanted to know what I was wearing. When I wouldn't tell him, he hung up on me. FREAK!

Have a great week ya'll!
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