Got back into KC late this afternoon. I have over 100 pictures to edit before I can post any... my trip back to Iowa was awesome! A few of the days I tossed the idea of moving back around.... but now that I'm back in KC I'm SO glad to be back home... well, for a day. I fly out Tuesday morning to Denver and return Wednesday night.
I'm off to watch my shows and get a little R&R before I go back to work tomorrow for the first time in 6 1/2 days.
Sunday, September 28, 2008
I'm back
Posted by Kelli at 8:05 PM 0 comments
Sunday, September 14, 2008
time away
In 3.5 days (okay, almost 4 by the time I get there) I will be in Iowa. For the first time in 9 very long months ( I could have had a baby in that time, geesh). I first have to find a recipe to make for the party next Saturday. And that is one of many things I have to do to get ready to be away from my home for 11 days.
I return to KC on September 28th, to leave for Denver on September 30th. I return to KC late October 1st (I am going to be lucky to not come down with something as I'm sure exhaustion will set in). M is out Oct 1st and 2nd, so the day I come back is going to be freaking crazy. And with both of us gone on the 1st - I'm sure not a whole lot will get done.
The following week, I am off from work the 10th (afternoon) and 13th, then off again the 17th and 20th. It's going to be freaking November before I know it (and it's not even October yet!). Not that I'm wishing for that but time is going to fly!
A few posts back, I showed the pictures of my toe. Good news, it appears I didn't completely lose the nail, just the top layer of it. Hopefully it will "fit in" again when I get them re-painted.
Planning a girls weekend for October, I can't wait! Some of the things are falling through that I'd hoped to do because of $, but that is okay. As long as we can all get away for a weekend, it will be fun!
I didn't make it to the OP yesterday to watch the Hawkeyes KICK SOME ASS! I had so much to get done this weekend and to top if off, I felt like crap. Achy, sick to my stomach, just pure "uck" all over. Very happy the Hawkeyes won, but damn the Buckeyes got their asses kicked yesterday.
This past Wednesday we worked at KCPT answering calls for a telethon. We were all disappointed to find out we weren't going to be on tv. What was airing was a show taped previously. We had fun but those of us who worked were tired. One guy called in, said I had a sexy voice and wanted to know what I was wearing. When I wouldn't tell him, he hung up on me. FREAK!

Have a great week ya'll!
Posted by Kelli at 12:22 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
almost in the single digits!
That's right!! In less than 4 hours, it will officially be 9 days! I still can't get over how excited I am to be headed back to Iowa. The drive - not so much, but spending time with family and friends - hell yes! Also, having 6 1/2 days off from work... now that's what I'm talkin' about!
Tomorrow part of our team will be working a telethon for kcptv... freakin 8-11 p.m. Yup, going to be dragging ass on Thursday. Therefore, I will be going to bed early tonight in hopes to getting a little bit more sleep and possibly taking a nap tomorrow after work.
Took the car in this afternoon for an oil change - manager said to me, well I guess we'll be seeing you in about another 8-9 mos to do you 30K "check-up"... get this, at the tune of FOUR HUNDRED DOLLARS. Are you effin kidding me?!?! Umm- no thanks. Isn't enough that I have to pay personal property taxes on this car, and they rape me on my insurance rates every 6 months. I'm pretty sure he saw my jaw drop. Now... keep in mind I've had the car since mid November and I'm already at 14K miles. Holy crap! Seriously, 10 months and 14,000 miles. JEEZ! And that's even not making a trip to Iowa in 9 months! *sigh* Maybe I should have bought an old car that my Dad or a handy guy could have worked on.
Hopefully I'll remember my camera Saturday for the Iowa vs. Iowa State game - it's going to be a good one! Later ya'll.
Posted by Kelli at 8:40 PM 0 comments
Sunday, September 7, 2008
2-0 baby!
SHUT OUT!!! The Hawkeyes stomped FL International yesterday!! It was a great game, surrounded by a bar FULL of Hawkeye fans here in KC! Drank WAY too much and ate some great food. Next weekend is the big rivalry game, bar opens at 8:00 am. I'll have to TRY and pace myself for this one! J being goofy!
Flip cup... not played by us but resulted in a cup of beer spilled all over the back of me.
Getting inappropriate!!!
J and her man!
After the game we went back to J's place, drank some more, laughed a LOT and then headed to B's house to check it out. B bought this place down in "the ghetto" (or so I call it, he says it isn't), pretty much gutted it and is started over. A lot of it is original, the door frames, the hard wood floors, staircase, etc. He's done an incredible job, the place looks awesome! B and J enjoying some wine.
Hope ya'll had a great weekend!
Posted by Kelli at 8:42 AM 0 comments
Friday, September 5, 2008
It's funny how one person can change an individual in so many ways. It's also funny how this person held this individual up on a pedestal two years ago and now as the time passes by, they are no longer being help up on a pedestal. In fact, it is almost as if this individual is taken for granted and is treated as just a co-worker. No longer a friend, or friend material. What happened? How did things change so drastically? And why is it that everyone else around this individual holds such a different opinion? An opposite opinion?
Thank goodness tomorrow is going to be a great day. Going to support my Hawkeyes in true fashion!
Posted by Kelli at 9:53 PM 0 comments
Monday, September 1, 2008
so long my friend
Today I went out on the boat with M & T and a few of their friends. We were getting ready to eat when T's Dad mentioned he thought I had spilled some of my drink (it was red). I looked over and found it to be blood. Nobody could figure out whose it was at first. T then said "Umm, I think it's your toe!" I looked down and sure enough, I had ripped my toe nail off. For the life of me I couldn't figure out what the hell I had done. It didn't hurt that bad right away... I finally remembered I snagged it on their seats on their boat trying to put my legs up on the bench seat. A little bit later, I was checking my toe out and there on the floor of the boat was my poor toe nail. Freshly manicured and all. It freakin' hurts now... I poured what little peroxide I had on it, put some neosporin on it and had a band-aid on it for awhile. Tomorrow I'm going to go get some gauze and more "medicine" and bandage the poor thing up. What hurts the worst is coming down the staircase.
Posted by Kelli at 6:51 PM 0 comments