Memorial Day was pretty uneventful... stayed in and away from the crazy folks on the road! I did get as much of my kitchen painted as I could though!
This week has been crazy from month end to the boss throwing his back out to my birthday...they say it happens in 3's right?
My birthday was great, nobody at work knew until about lunch time when one of the kids spilled the beans! I say this because I don't like people knowing it's my birthday, never have. They paid for my lunch though and then later paid for dinner and all my drinks at the bar. Love most of my kids!!
Pics of the kitchen (before and after)
and of the "craft project" in it's early stages. OH.. I finally bought an iPod!!
I have what feels like a crap load of stuff to get done before I go back to Iowa in a few weeks, including my neice's scrapbook. I'm making progress but I have a long way to go still. I HAVE to get as much done this weekend as I can as all next weekend is pretty much "booked." In 6 days 6 of us will be going to ROCKFEST!! Pretty sure Sunday will then be spent recooperating!
Have a great weekend everyone!
Friday, May 30, 2008
Memorial Day
Posted by Kelli at 6:27 PM 1 comments
Sunday, May 25, 2008
3-day weekend
First of all, AMEN for 3-day weekends! I think we should have one once a month!
Friday night I was asleep by 6:30 and slept until 6:30 Saturday morning. I was back asleep by 8:00 and slept until 10:30. I apparently was overdue for some sleep! Didn't get a lot accomplished Saturday, which was kind of nice!
Today I've ran errand after errand. A friend came out to help me pick up some patio chairs and return the grill since I never could get it to work. I've done some laundry, started painting the kitchen, started a craft project, but need some different color paint to finish it.
Tomorrow I plan on painting the kitchen (or at least getting as much done as I can), work on my neice's scrapbook, cleaning the bathrooms (UGH!), trying to figure out what's wrong with my vacume
The craft project (nothing big) is painting a picture frame with 3 - 3x3 photo holders. I then want to write / paint on it, but can't decide what I should put on there. Ideas are:
Dare to dream
Watch me grow
Life’s treasures
Growing up so fast
The picture frame will hold pics of the 'lil ones in my life...Any other ideas?
I think I'm going to try and paint for awhile! Hope everyone is having a good and safe 3-day weekend!
Children are miracles
Posted by Kelli at 7:29 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
american idol
Posted by Kelli at 7:26 PM 0 comments
Saturday, May 17, 2008
where patience is needed
Posted by Kelli at 9:59 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
trying to be a better person
I'm speaking to you ... it feels like the last few weeks you haven't heard me. I don't think you're shutting me out, in fact I know that you're not doing that. I know I'm going through this for a reason .... to try and strengthen me in an area where I am weak, but I feel like I'm almost at a breaking point. I have faith in you, I know you will help me through this.
Something has been bothering me for the past couple of weeks, but I can't pinpoint what it is, it is really pissing me off. So I try to move on and go back to being my normal self, but then he says something that I'd normally laugh at, but now I just feel like all that is "adding up". No matter how hard I try to let the little things go, I don't feel like I can until I figure out what that bottom lying issue is. Tonight they were talking about an upcoming event, an event that I wasn't invited to, an event they've clearly talked about prior to tonight... so I just sat there. Feeling completely left out, completely like a 3rd wheel. Unfortunately that ruined the rest of my time there with them. Sadly, I'm a person who wears my heart on my sleeve so they bouth caught on real fast that something was wrong and kept pressing me to spill it. I'm going to pray for myself tonight that in the future when something like this happens I can shake it off and move on.
I'm not a messed up person, but not knowing how to fix this, or even what "this" is, it's making me feel like I have no control over whats going on between this individual and I. Help me, please. Lord help me.
Posted by Kelli at 8:01 PM 1 comments
Monday, May 12, 2008
from the heart
I wanted to make something kind of fun, something cheap... a way to try and convince one of my best friends to come to KC and visit. She's been down here once in the 2 years that I've lived here and I'm dying to get her down here again...
I made her this booklet as a way to try and convince her to come to KC... and since she doesn't have a computer, I'm sure she won't see this until it arrives in her mailbox :)on the left hand side it says (Hell yes, I'm going!!)
Posted by Kelli at 9:05 PM 1 comments
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Happy Mother's Day!
Happy Mother's Day to all of you Momma's out there! I'm working on a scrapbook for my niece and was looking for some quotes and came across a few that gave me a good laugh, a few that brought a tear to my eye and a few that had me really thinking.
- Children aren't happy without something to ignore, And that's what parents were created for
- Children learn to smile from their parents
- The best inheritance a parent can give to his children is a few minutes of their time each day
- The moment a child is born, the mother is also born. She never existed before. The woman existed, but the mother, never. A mother is something absolutely new
- I love my mother as the trees love water and sunshine - she helps me grow, prosper, and reach great heights
There will never be enough words or way for me to show my gratitue or the love that I have for her... she's been there since day one for me, no matter how much of a "bad daughter (according to M E)" I am, has been and will always be one of my biggest supporters... here's to the woman who could shop 24 x 7 (ha ha) and will do anything for her children.
Happy Mother's Day Mama, I heart you!
Posted by Kelli at 6:49 PM 0 comments
Saturday, May 10, 2008
Posted by Kelli at 10:38 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
ahhh... local celebrity!
I haven't watched this show in years, but I remember this season vividly for some reason. Never really paying attention to where the kids were from, I didn't know until tonight this guy was from KC. Tonight while we were out at a pub, I saw this guy and knew I knew him from somewhere but for the life of me couldn't put a name to his face. Finally as the night went on, a group of high school girls walked out and said "HI WES!" BINGO!! I was sitting about 10 feet from Wes! I couldn't believe it! He seemed really humble, very polite. I was "star struck!"
Posted by Kelli at 10:05 PM 0 comments
Sunday, May 4, 2008
anybody know a handyman?
What have I gotten myself into?? Look at all these different freakin screws, etc.Step one... wheels are on!
Eeek, I still have all these pieces... aye aye aye
Who would have thought a ladder came with this? Haha... I'm kidding, I'm not that dumb!
Making progress! I stopped here on Saturday as I was starting to get frustrated and my hands were hurting... *note to self - invest in power screwdriver!*
Yay! Sides are on, the spice rack and towel bar is on now too, I just didn't get a picture
Countertop and fold down bar... I want to stain the counter top at some point. These are now officially put together as well. As I'm done for the weekend, I need to put the counter top on, the drawers and shelves in and the doors on.
My left hand after the first day (hence the reason I need to get a power screwdriver!)
Damn blisters are making it hard to do anything else so I gave up for the day!
Can't decide what color I'm going to go with... I have it up next to the green to see which one will look the best ....any ideas?
And lastly, two people who I LOVE dearly... one of my best friends and her son. The first one is the original, did some cropping, played with the coloring... I think the sepia is my favorite!
It was nice enough out this morning I sat outside and got some sun on my pasty self... dang I love spring / summer! My next investment will be an ipod so I don't have to listen to my neighbors fighting or the others yelling at their dog....
This week should be short and sweet, with 1/2 the team gone (including the boss), I see a lot of laughing, a lot of taking off early, but hopefully a very productive week as well!
last thing for the weekend... June 7, 2008... don't expect to see me around at all that weekend... I will be down at Liberty Memorial for Rockfest 2008 ! HELL yes! 15 bands, 2 stages... all beer and food for $5 or less... I can't freakin wait!
Posted by Kelli at 4:18 PM 0 comments
Friday, May 2, 2008
Holy Haiti
Hello Spring! Good lord, KC and it's metro area was hit pretty hard last night with storms. Driving to work this morning I about drove my car in the ditch a few times due to all the water standing on the roads.
Watch this video and others
I still don't remember what I was going to post about (see Thursday's post), so obviously it wasn't that important. Last time I talked to my boss today, he was on the plane in Memphis getting ready to fly to Jamaica... lucky SOB. Two more fly out this weekend and the last one leaves on Monday. I'm sure the week is going to fly by... hopefully the office is nice and quiet!
Have a great weekend!
Posted by Kelli at 2:44 PM 0 comments
Thursday, May 1, 2008
darn it
I had something really important to post... and thought about it pretty much the entire way to work this morning, which was an extended trip because I had to pick up breakfast... but after a few hours of drinking, I completely forgot - darn it!
I'll think of it soon and make sure to post it... for now I'm working on a few projects, looking forward to the next 5 days in the office w/o 1/2 of my team there and hopefully getting my kitchen island tomorrow!!
Posted by Kelli at 7:34 PM 0 comments