First, I want to say a BIG THANK YOU to Melissa for your comment on my last post, I sat and cried after reading it.
Yesterday I went and "pimped my car"... I got the windows tinted, I can't believe what a HUGE difference it makes. I went to take a few pics tonight to learn something is wrong with my camera... I tried putting in different batteries, that didn't seem to help... so I'm going to stop tomorrow night and get true camera batteries, hopefully that will work. So for now, you'll have to live with pics from my phone - sorry for the quality. I of course got hell for the Hawkeye!
After getting the car done, I grabbed a quick bite to eat from one of my favorite places, Jason's Deli. From there I went to the office to try and get caught up... 3.5 hours later, I left work feeling a little better about going in on Monday. I was able to finally grab a few pictures of the beautiful tulips that bloom every year outside of the office. I hope to have some in my backyard next year, considering tulips are one of my favorite flowers!
So what are my addictions you might ask? Just to name a few...
1- Fresh flowers - these were on display at my party last weekend.
4- Getting to NYC to see this view for myself.

You're welcome for the last comment. =) So, now you're a gangsta lady! Cool! LOL about the Hawkeye on the car! Oh, and I'm not just going to Casting Crowns...Did you notice, I am THIRD ROW CENTER!! Lance kind of laughed and said, "Yeah, now watch! A 6ft 5 man is going to stand right in front of you!" I said he would just have to put me on his shoulders then.
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