I came across this blog a month or so ago... I cried the first time I read it and every time I go back now, I cry. Yes, I'm an emotional woman, but I think even if I weren't, I would probably still tear up. A touching story, a strong woman and family, a true story of how God watches over us and takes care of us each and every day. If you're going to read this, make sure you have some time on your hands, make sure you have some tissues with you, and make sure you click on the link to the left to start from the beginning.
Read it here
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
takes my breath away
Posted by Kelli at 9:22 PM 1 comments
Sunday, April 27, 2008
what we should all say to ourselves daily
Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take...but by the moments that take our breath away
Posted by Kelli at 2:54 PM 1 comments
It is that time again
Yup, you guessed it, it is the end of the month. Cram time for the sales team to get their sales in to hit their numbers so they still have a job... and for us back office folks, well... you've heard the story before!
Last week was Administrative Appreciation week...the team surprised me Friday with a pot luck and named it Kelli Day. Funny how things work out as Friday was also my 2 year anniversary of being in KC. I work with some of the best people around! Ha, ask me if I still agree to that come Tuesday/ Wednesday and that might be a different story :)
Mark's boss comes into town Tuesday and Wednesday, nobody is quite sure why. The question has been asked if it's chopping block time, nobody knows. Only time can tell...
I got notification a little over a month ago that I have to serve my time in doing jury duty. I was stoked when I got that piece of mail 3 years ago when I lived in Iowa, but I dread it now, and for a few reasons. 1- Driving in downtown KC through the week is a freakin bitch, 2- Trying to find parking is going to suck ass, 3 - it's the end of the month and falling behind on work load sucks ass also. Hopefully I'm not selected as a juror, even though it was something we all should have to do at some point. So I got my book ready as I anticipate getting downtown early enough for a good parking spot and for when I'm waiting inside.
A third of my team leave for Jamaica on Friday or over the weekend (as part of the President's Club), I am envious but also can't wait for them to be gone. The office will be quiet, relaxed yet a load of fun. It worries me that Mark will be gone, which means those of us there will be pushing to go to Happy Hour earlier in the day than normal. I have a goal starting May 1st to do better at either limiting the number of alcohol I consume in a day or just not going. The gang at Fuel should know our team rather well by now.
I went this past week with a co-worker to get my toe nails painted... I just can't do a pedicure. My toes are too damn ticklish. It pisses me off because I would like to get one, rather than trying to do it myself. Maybe someday... but the french manicure looks really good, I'm going to try and stick with that this summer.
My company gives every individual 4 hours per month of community service time, which says a lot to me about this job. In a few weeks the KC team will be completing their first community service project, volunteering at Catholic Charities, at their retail store Turnstyles. They're one of our largest non-profit customers in the KC metro area. I'm very excited and greatful for this opportunity. As of right now, our next job will be at Habitat for Humanity in July.
Anywho... that's enough ramblings for now... have a great week everyone. Happy early May Day!
Posted by Kelli at 10:43 AM 0 comments
Saturday, April 26, 2008
So... while I am sitting here at the office (yes, unfortunately I'm working another Saturday... but I have jury duty Monday so I have to get caught up now) and am working through some orders, I wanted to post something quick, I'll post again tomorrow with pictures and other stuff but had to do this today.
CONGRATULATIONS to the Sieren family!!! They are expecting baby #2 in December!!
Posted by Kelli at 11:57 AM 0 comments
Sunday, April 20, 2008
First, I want to say a BIG THANK YOU to Melissa for your comment on my last post, I sat and cried after reading it.
Yesterday I went and "pimped my car"... I got the windows tinted, I can't believe what a HUGE difference it makes. I went to take a few pics tonight to learn something is wrong with my camera... I tried putting in different batteries, that didn't seem to help... so I'm going to stop tomorrow night and get true camera batteries, hopefully that will work. So for now, you'll have to live with pics from my phone - sorry for the quality. I of course got hell for the Hawkeye!
After getting the car done, I grabbed a quick bite to eat from one of my favorite places, Jason's Deli. From there I went to the office to try and get caught up... 3.5 hours later, I left work feeling a little better about going in on Monday. I was able to finally grab a few pictures of the beautiful tulips that bloom every year outside of the office. I hope to have some in my backyard next year, considering tulips are one of my favorite flowers!

Posted by Kelli at 7:00 PM 1 comments
Friday, April 18, 2008
how, why, who ... ?
I don't think I've ever posted like this... so I'll warn you now. What you're about to read is a bunch of questions, questions that will not make sense without knowing what the "situation" is. I debated even typing this when I'm this tired, I've had a few cocktails and it's been a hell of a week (for only being a 4-day work week for me)... but I'm hoping by me typing this all out, I'll get it off my chest, feel better about the whole thing and be able to move on.
Who do I talk about this to when the one person who could probably help me through it is part of the situation? It has to be somebody I completely trust, somebody who isn't going to judge me for what I'm feeling, what I'm questionning... somebody who does my job so they understand what I could possibly be going through.
I'm not typically a jealous person and I hate the feeling of jealousy... how do I make myself stop feeling jealous in this situation? I've tried talking myself down, I've tried telling myself that I'm making it a bigger deal than what it really is, but no matter how hard I try or what I do, the feeling isn't going away.
Why am I letting these two people and this situation get under my skin? Deep down I think this will be a short-term situation, but being the worry-wart that I am, my fear is that it's doing to drag on longer than I want to see, longer than I can deal with. Why should I let two people make me want to quit this job and find a new one? Especially when I have 6 others that I would drop anything I'm doing to help them out if they asked.
I'm going to trust in Him and let Him guide me through this, I have faith... even if it takes time, this shall pass, somewhere inside I do believe that.
Posted by Kelli at 9:50 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
where does the time go?
I finally had my housewarming party... only after 6 months of living here! Everyone really seemed to like the house and the colors! I think I'm ready to do a little more painting though...my kitchen is next on the project list. I've picked out 4 colors online (brittlebrush, bee, butterfield and gambol gold) and hope to get the samples this week or weekend to decide which one I want. Other than the fact that it was freakin cold outside and the heat had to be ran, the party went really well!
My parents came down Friday evening and left Monday afternoon. It'd been four months since I had seen them - a damn long time! They helped get things ready for the party, helped hang ... well, ok they hung a shelf in the garage for me, took down a towel bar in the 1/2 bath, which required patching holes and then took my old desk back to Iowa... my garage is freakin clean, finally! They saw my need for more storage in the kitchen so they bought me an island for my birthday! I can't freakin wait until it gets here and put together! It was great to spend some time with my parents... June is only a few months away!
I think spring is finally here and it might just stick around! I can't wait to get my grill and be able to start cooking on it! With the nicer weather, the tulips at the office are in full bloom and SO pretty! I need to take a few minutes and take some pictures.
Last thing before I sign off... I'm getting my windows tinted on the car this weekend! I've wanted this done since I bought the car but thought it'd cost a good chunk of change... a friend got his done for $160... cha-ching! I can't wait to see how it turns out!
Posted by Kelli at 8:53 PM 1 comments
Friday, April 11, 2008
busy week
I don't quite recall everything that's gone on this week, I just know it's been crazy busy.
Last weekend, the Sieren's were in town. Due to the events of Friday I didn't get to see them that night, but I spent all day Saturday with them, got to finally meet the Cruse family, we all watched the Jayhawks win! It was a day full of fun! Here are a few pics of Owen I snapped in the car....
Went out last night, had a few too many cocktails so I hurt this morning. But it was a great time last night.
My parents are here until Monday so I doubt I'll have a lot of time on the computer. Wanted to post some of the pics and video ...
The first video is from St Patty's Day... I know, a long time ago but I just got it uploaded to my laptop... PJ was dancing with a piece of lettuce - classic!!
PJ thinks I am just taking his pic... he finally realizes it's a video! Haha
Posted by Kelli at 9:33 PM 0 comments
Friday, April 4, 2008
can this day be over already?
Let me run you through the series of events that occured today ...
1- Almost hit a deer this morning
2- Our all day meeting starts and about 1/2 hour into it people are bitching and complaining, about asinine things.
3- During meeting, our boss announces a position change within our office - I know now that I need to start looking for a new job as of this weekend.
4- I try to VPN in to find out my "new" laptop doesn't have wireless like my old one, so I can't get logged in to check emails and orders.
5- I spill my vodka & cranberry ALL over my pink shirt at happy hour.
6- I get lost trying to get home to change from downtown.
7- At a stoplight trying to get back onto the interstate to go meet friends for dinner (who are in from out of town), a bird shits inside my car and gets all over my car and sleeve - mind you, I just changed into this outfit.
What a freakin day!! To try and turn things around and look at things in a better way....
1- I didn't hit the deer, the 7 of them went on about their way.
2- The meeting ended on a positive not and the team was okay with how the meeting went.
3- At happy hour, our boss tells those of us that are there that the position change / offer is being retracted (at least for now)... I'll be sticking around for now!
4- A co-worker let me borrow his laptop so I was able to check on a few things.
5- The few sips I had of my cocktail was good :) And we were sitting OUTSIDE drinking!
6- I made it home safely.
7- Washing the clothes will get rid of the bird poo ....
So on that note, I'm off to do laundry.
Have a great weekend everyone!
Posted by Kelli at 8:10 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
I think I posted about this earlier, but finally going through some pictures... here are the flowers I received from my boss last week. They're still as pretty today!
Posted by Kelli at 7:33 AM 0 comments