Saturday, February 9, 2008

So far, so good

Yesterday the acqusition of McLeodUSA by PAETEC completed. For now... it's McLeodUSA, now a PAETEC company. Thankfully I'm still employed :) A few people I know back at the old corporate office got let go, all with families. Please pray for them and their families!

On our conference call yesterday, Arunas announced that our company was in the top 100 companies of the WORLD for training.... I'm pretty stoked about that. Loved my job at McLeodUSA but that was one thing I always thought they could have done better at.

Visit my new company

On another positive note, it appears the benefits are going to be better and I will get more time off...AMEN! And for once, in my 11 years of working, I have sick days!

On a personal note, God saw my Uncle J through surgery, he is recovering and will soon start radiation. Please also pray for him and my family, I know that God will see us through this!


The Naths said...

Well, rock-on! Better bennifits!! I will pray for your uncle! Exodus 23:25 Worship the LORD your God, and his blessing will be on your food and water. I will take away sickness from among you, Psalm 103:3 who forgives all your sins and heals all your diseases, *actually all of Psalm 103 is wonderful!)