It has been one HECK of a day. I'm so glad I'm at home, snuggled in with my blanket and watching TV.
I hate complaining, but I've got to vent and it has to be somebody other than the people I work with :)
The day started off by McDonalds shorting me $2.00 in change. I will never pay cash again. I didn't call them, and shame on me, but it's $2.00 and how am I going to prove it?
The boss man was off today, so the team (or those who bothered to show up) hardly worked. And when they hardly work, its hard for me to work when they're all pretty much messing around.
My company has these nominations... each time somebody nominates them or recognizes them, you give them a letter to Quality. For each letter, you earn points towards the company store. I don't remember what happens when you achieve Quality... but you get something. So today, I nomimated 3 different people. Each time after I nominated somebody and tried to do the next person, I got an error message. Which meant I lost everything I had just typed... UGH. I got smart after the 2nd one and copied my recognition onto a word document first.
When our company was bought out, we had a crap ton of stationary, enevelopes and folders with our old business name on them. I donated a lot to an elementary school down the street last year, then after cleaning out the supply closet recently, I found 4 more boxes. I called that school again, and after waiting for a week I gave up on waiting. I called another school today and they were estatic! I used mapquest for the school, and OMG! I ended up in a different city, about 20 miles from where I should have been. WTF?!? Thankfully, I was able to get the stuff delivered tonight.
One of the things I hate the most ... going to WalMart... or the grocery store. I don't know why it bothers me so much, but I can't freakin stand it. Tonight was the first time I've went for groceries in about 5 weeks (I stopped for milk and bread when I got back to KC after the New Years). Seriously... 5 weeks! I. CAN'T. STAND. WALMART. They were out of loofahs (body scrubbers), shave gel, mini chocolate chips, the rolls I always buy, rugs (those cheap rugs that can be used in cars, at the front door, wherever)... UGH! And rude people, OMG! Do people not get that if you're going to leave your cart to go look at an item to move it along the side or in an aisle where there isn't a lot of "traffic"... don't put it in the middle of the freakin aisle. I couldn't believe how empty the place was... it was only 5:30 and the store looked like a tornado had went through it.
So, I'm leaving WalMart - to see its snowing like a freakin' blizzard. I apparently did not watch the weather... I didn't have my hat or mittens with me, and snowing. Nice. People in the KC and KC metro fall apart when its snowing. On a typical 10 minute drive home from WalMart, it took me probably 25. *SIGH*
Then... as I'm driving home, I almost hit a deer. Like I think I may have actually touched him with my bumber. All my groceries in the trunk went flying towards the front of the car...
But... my Monday is over...if things work out the way its supposed to, our team should be going out for an excellent dinner Wednesday and then bowling Friday afternoon. Okay, I'm done venting :) Thanks for listening!! Have a great week!
Monday, January 12, 2009
thank goodness the day is pretty much over!
Posted by Kelli at 7:08 PM 0 comments
Sunday, January 4, 2009
the last couple of weeks
Like most others, I hate how blogger uploads pics.... so vs. taking awhile trying to fix it, I'm just going through the events in reverse order! Baby R... sleeping away. I didn't get any good pictures of him, damnit!
His big brother O, who loves to say cheese for the camera!

The Saturday before Christmas, my office had our work Christmas party at our boss' house. It was a ton of fun. I was so incredibly intoxicated.... I got home at 3:15 am and left to go to Iowa the same day. I was still drunk when I woke up, it was 9 degrees and freakin' windy... not a fun trip.
One of my besties at work...

Well, needless to say they didn't turn out like that. they weren't bad, but definitely not that cute.
I spent two weeks in Iowa and while it was fun, I was and am SO glad to be back home. My parents are the best, I can only hope that if I ever have children I am half the parent that they are.
One of the days Mom and I went shopping, we ran into some fun trying to get home. I told her to get into the wrong lane, and when trying to get back over she apparently pissed the van off behind her. He was practically on her bumper the entire way up the ramp... when coming up beside us, I made the mistake of flipping him off. Apparently that set him over the edge. He pulled over right in front of Mom, making her slam on her brakes and then stuck his arm out the window flipping us off. We busted out laughing. We stayed back aways from him... with the county plates he had I figured he would get off on the exit right before us. Well, apparently he wanted to make sure we knew he was pissed because he stayed in front of us, flipping us off yet again right before we exited.
I stayed in Cedar a few nights the week after Christmas. I was able to have dinner with my BFF, sadly we didn't get more time than about an hour together. I miss her! I was able to have lunch and dinner with some other good friends too!
NYE was very ... well call me an old soul but I enjoyed it. I stayed in, one of my friends came over to the hotel for awhile. While she was chilaxin in the hot tub, I saw an old HR manager... who was so drunk that she couldn't walk, had a nose piercing and was kissing on another lady... I couldn't stop laughing.
Tomorrow, its back to the daily grind. I'm definitely not ready. I texted my boss Friday and said I was taking another week off. Ha! He didn't think that was a good idea!
I still can't believe its 2009...its my golden birthday year! Like many others, I feel like this is going to be a great year! Hope it treats you well!
Posted by Kelli at 7:09 PM 0 comments
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